St James The Great
Old Milverton, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire
Fabric Committee
Attends to matters relating to the stewardship of plant, such as the church buildings and fabric and the churchyard.
The Pastoral and Admin team
The Pastoral and Admin team meets weekly. Our role is to oversee the day to day running of the church with responsibility for the organisation of our services and all the day to day administrative tasks.
We also act as pastoral support for the church, caring for those who are unwell, new members of our church family and looking after all matters concerning baptisms, wedding and funerals.
The Committee consists of Mike and Lib, our Churchwardens; Sarah, our Treasurer; our clergy, Felicity and Sue; Anna Trye (who is responsible for organising clergy and worship leaders week by week); and Sue Frost as Lay-Chair of the PCC.
Social Committee
Enhances the social life of St. James through organising social events and providing refreshments at functions and after special services.
We are a happy band of members of the congregation and PCC. We respond to significant dates throughout the church year with coffee, tea, cakes, lunches and other yummy food, to share companionship and food within the community of the church and the wider community. We are Veronica Davies (chair), Ali Foster, Penny Hawkins, Marie Lock, Anna Trye, Sarah Vincett and Nicola Wall. We are always looking to add to our numbers and welcome anyone who would be willing to join us.
The Finance Committee
Oversees the finances of the work of St James’ by monitoring income and expenditure, budgeting and coordinating the annual review of the Christian Stewardship of money through planned giving, and to prepare accounts for auditing.
Our team includes Sarah Vincett (Treasurer), Michael Raynor (Gift Aid Secretary) and Chris Trye with extensive accounting knowledge.
The Annual Accounts are shared at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) held in April for anyone interested in seeing what money is received and how it is spent.
At the Parochial Church Council (PCC) meetings, the Treasurer reports on the current state of the finances.
Parochial Church Council
Our Parochial Church Council (PCC) is made up of members of our church family and meet regularly throughout the year. The PCC operates through a number of committees, which meet between full meetings of the PCC.
Communication Committee
There are five members of this committee: Simone Brunson, Linda Bister, Ali Foster, Sue Frost and at present we are led by Sue Fairhurst who keeps us all on task! We have talked at length about the range of different ways that we communicate with the local community but have most recently focused on the magazine and the website.
Standing Committee
This is the only committee required by law. It has power to transact the business of the PCC between its meetings, subject to any directions given by the council. We report back to the PCC and most decisions are taken by the PCC at its bi-monthly meeting but, where an immediate response is required, the Standing Committee will deal with the issue on their behalf.
Worship Committee
Attends to matters relating to ministry to the local church, such as aspects of worship, mid-week groups and the work with children and young people.